Wednesday, 23 April 2008

The Social Media Release: template version 1,5

In my post The Social Media Release: a new tool in the toolbox I presented how the SMR has developed from Todd Defren’s 2006 SMPR template version 1, into Marketwire’s Social Media 2.0 template 2008. Now Todd Defren on his blog has published The Social Media News Release template version 1,5.

I think the main improvements are a stronger connection between the SM(N)R and the organisation’s online newsroom. Also for it to truly be a social media I believe a possibility for comments (initiating a two-way dialogue) must be present, which is the case in version 1,5 of the template.

It’s going to be interesting to see how the IABC working group, which is looking to set a standard for the SMR, will react to Defren’s new version.


Anonymous said...

I often say in the world of user generated content, the people in the best position to deliver meaningful, relevant content are professional communicators and the Online PR can be a powerful tool to do this because of its extensive reach online not only as a media relations tool but now as a direct-to-consumer communication via search engines and other online reach.

Mattias said...

True, but as a professional communicator I don’t think one should ever fool oneself into thinking that the consumer/public will give the same credibility to information coming directly from an organization compared to information being attributed to a journalist/the news media.